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  • Differences between Arabica and Robusta

    I Grains Of Arabica And of Robust They are easily distinguished from each other: if those of arabica have a more elongated shape, oval, those of Robusta are rather more rounded and have a groove at the center almost straight.

    In terms of taste, the coffee obtained from Arabica is a more aromatic and delicate product, almost sweet but with sour notes, while Robusta is characterized by an intense and persistent aroma and a rich, enveloping taste, which recalls the taste of chocolate.

    Arabica coffee, in addition, contains about half or a third of the Caffeine Robusta, or from 0.8% to 1.5% “against” 1.7%-3.5% (depending on the variety).

  • ROBUST variety coffee, let\'s get to know it better

    The scientific name isCoffea Canephoraand only later did we begin to use the term "robust"to underline its adaptability and resistance to dry clima...